Unleash Your Brand

I evolve brands into powerful forces so businesses can grow.

You want help scaling your business.

You don’t want a pricey agency or jr level brand strategy “light”.

If you wish for someone with F500 chops, NYC agency pedigree, and entrepreneurial hustle who unlocks powerful brands. HELLO.

I’m obsessed with brand potential, here are some ways I can help:

Sharpen your brand to attract investors and raise funding

“I know my brand but struggle to pull it all together.”

You’re trying to take your business to the next level. A tight brand story not only woos investors, but also aligns internal teams, and inspires your creative partners.

Sync your brand with business goals for stronger ROI

“I need a partner to help me link the business strategy to the brand strategy.”

You’re trying to seize the - market, consumer, service/product - opportunity and the brand needs to pivot. A strong brand aligned with business goals means a stronger ROI.

Construct brand architecture to synergize service/product offerings

“My consumers are confused about our range of services.”

You’re trying to organize a range of offerings in an impactful way, allowing for future growth. A clearly defined brand architecture will allow you to better cross promote, influence brand perception, and accelerate business growth.


Moving at entrepreneurial speed so you can scale quickly.


  • Brand Growth Roadmap

  • Brand Positioning

  • Brand Story

  • Brand Architecture

  • Brand Messaging Framework

  • Innovation Platforms + Pipelines


  • Customer Research

  • Customer Personas

  • Customer Journey Maps + FAQ

  • Market Segmentation

  • Competitive Brand Audits

  • Inspirational Audits

  • Internal Stakeholder Interviews

  • Message Testing



  • Brand Voice Development

  • Brand Narrative

  • Voice of Consumer

  • One-Liners

  • Web Page


  • Brand Identity, Logo Design, Packaging, Iconography, Video

    *Delivered with strategic partner


  • Email Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Ad Campaigns

  • Social Media

    *Delivered with strategic partner

Premier agency work that fits the entrepreneurial spirit

Hello, I’m Kim

I build business growth maps with the brands to match so enterprising companies can scale for growth.

I see many intelligent leaders looking to grow, but not using the full power of their brands.

I specialize in: Growth Roadmaps * Brand Architecture * Brand Positioning * Verbal Identity + Communication Pillars * Innovation Platforms + Pipelines * Qualitative Consumer Research * Market Landscape + Competitive Analysis * Client Relationship Building * Trend Watching

Premier agency work that fits the entrepreneurial spirit.