Renovating a brand and raising $78 Million

“We’ve raised an additional $78 million in venture capital funding, have more engaged clients and doubled our platform assets!”

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Re-envisioninga brand to becomePepsiCo’s global commitmentto food security

“Now we have a compelling Global Brand Vision – that tells one cohesive story about the larger impact PepsiCo is making on global food security – amazing work and on a quick deadline.”

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The Powerful Force of Branding…

Aligns management teams  so entire organization is moving as a united force.

Aligns management teams
so entire organization is moving as a united force.

Expresses your brand authenticity to stand apart from competitors and break through the clutter.

Expresses your brand authenticity to stand apart from competitors and break through the clutter.

Connects to target consumers by appreciating their wants, needs and aspirations.

Connects to target consumers by appreciating their wants, needs and aspirations.

Enhances your credibility with products and services that are consistent with your brand promise.

Enhances your credibility with products and services that are consistent with your brand promise.




“Unbelievably helpful…amazing”

— Kevin Gaffney, CEO Readtronic

Background: Readtronic is a text to speech app that converts any digital reading material into audio so you can listen on the go.

Work: Too many target consumers. Redefined the brand positioning by focusing the consumer target persona - demographics as well as wants, needs and aspirations. 



“Kim helped me articulate my unique story, so my target consumers find me.”

— Nicole Sdao, CEO Altruize

Background: Altruize is a volunteer tracking app that tracks, verifies and maintains a lifelong portfolio of volunteer service data.

Work: Too much content, more strategy needed. Redefined the brand positioning by clarifying the “what we do” element of the proposition. Cleared away extra narratives for an articulate brand story.

(launching soon)

Scale for growth with a brand expert in your corner.